Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Why am I doing this?

This is the first post and the beginning of my dream becoming reality.  You may be wondering why I am doing this.  Why such a big fuss over being a generous individual?  It's ok to ask!  I have asked myself that same question.  You may have drawn the conclusion that I am a wealthy individual looking to "give back".  Well, you would be right! but probably not in the same way as you think. To see where I am coming from, you need to understand some of the backdrop.
God has given me a heart for the poor.  A trip in 2007 to Kenya and Ethiopia really opened my eyes to how the rest of the world lives.  Never did I think I was a minority on this planet.  My worldview was rocked while spending time in the slums of Africa over the next 6 years.  Questions kept coming to my mind like "why am I so blessed when the majority of the world is suffering?"  If you have every asked yourself this, then you know what I am talking about.
I have heard first hand stories of newborn babies being dumped in a latrine seconds after giving birth.  I have met young girls that have been trafficked for sex since they were 6 years old.  Yet, I sit in my comfortable chair with a full stomach and a bank account that would make the rest of the world blush. 
I spent almost 10 years connected to an organization attacking these problems.  I am passionate about making poverty obsolete.  It can happen in our lifetime.
Does God want us to just continue to thank him for living in the west as middle class citizens?  Or, are we supposed to do something "uncomfortable"?  From what I gather from God's Word, we not only are supposed to bless others with our wealth, we are COMMANDED to by the Creator himself.
My life is in no way as been trouble free.  In fact, the past year has been the roughest time I personally have ever experienced.  This does not give me an excuse to sit back and feel sorry for myself.  Instead, the Spirt has prompted me to use my life as an example and to bring up our children to understand that the way mom and dad live IS NOT NORMAL.
Would you consider joining me in some way?  Jesus did it with 12.  How much more can we make an impact in the world we live in having such an abundance of resources?
Lets change the world together.

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